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RORO Shipping vs Container Shipping. What's the Difference?

We offer two types of ocean transportation: RoRo and Container.

What is RORO? Mostly known as the roll-on/roll-off shipping method, that means that your car will be driven inside the ship. For a vehicle to be shipped by RORO, it has to be a) in run&drive condition and without extensive damages. RORO method is one of the cheapest ways of shipping.

What is Container shipping? Container shipping means that your car will be loaded inside 20 feet or 40 feet container, and the container will be sealed. We can ship any vehicle, in any condition, by container. This method is one of the safest methods  of ocean transportation.

For more information, follow the link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Shipping

You can also watch Live Webinar from our experts - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Webinar/2

If you have any questions please email shipping@auctionexport.com



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Haven't been online for a long time and cannot recall the password to your AuctionExport Profile?

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Financing to Nigeria and Ghana! With AuctionExport, you have a unique opportunity to buy a car now and pay for it later.

Don't have the full amount to buy a car of your dream?

With AuctionExport, you have a unique opportunity to buy a car now and pay for it later.

According to Financing Terms and Conditions, you pay 33% from the full purchase amount in advance, and the rest can be paid within 60 days or once the vessel with your car reaches your destination port, whichever comes first. The current financing rate is 2% per month from the date of the purchase for a 2 months timeframe. To calculate all payable amounts, use Financing Calculator - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Payment.


Worry about the safety of your car while it is being shipped across the ocean to you?

During the ground transportation from the car’s point of sale to the exit port, all purchased vehicles are insured. If you wish to be one hundred percent sure in the safety of your car during the ocean shipping, you can additionally order ocean insurance coverage.

You can check the insurance coverage rates in our shipping department. Simply send an email to shipping@auctionexport.com or call us +1 416 900 33 03.


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