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Deposit Benefits

Having a deposit in your account provides you with a variety of options to get the car of your choice faster and easier!

1️⃣ You can use our Buy Now option as well as participate in Bidding and Live Auction to get a car cheaper. Bidding allows you to offer your price for the vehicle.

2️⃣ You can just Order a Car with us, in case you haven't found it on the website immediately. Our sales agents will save your time and search for the car upon your requirements throughout millions of auto dealer listings and auctions of USA and Canada.

3️⃣  We can find out more details about the condition of your preferable car from the seller or arrange Independent Inspection.

And you can order History report of the vehicle to check if it's been involved into any accident before.

The deposit is not a fee, it will be included into the full payment of the car as soon as the purchase is confirmed.

The minimum deposit amount is $600 or 10% of the "BID/BUY NOW" amount. Some auctions require $1000 as a minimum deposit. Find more details on how to make the payment.

To place a deposit: log in to your profile > go to the Finance section > click Make a Payment tab: https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit

Contact us for assistance: help@auctionexport.com 1-416-900-33-03


Happy Friday ✨

Dear clients, for every Buy Now purchase on Friday you can save $50.

Click on Buy Now and Buy your dream car right now: https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice

In order to use our buying options "BUY NOW" and "BID", you have to be a registered member on our website (please start with free online registration https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register) and place a deposit on your account with AuctionExport.

If you have any questions or need assistance in car searching, please email us via help@auctionexport.com


Get $50 cash for referring a friend 💸

Did you know that you can get 50 Dollars Cash for referring a friend? 💸
Send your personal referral link via email, text message or social media and get $50 for every person you refer.

Here's the link: https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Refer_A_Friend

❗ Once the new customer makes a purchase & pays for it in full, you will get your $50 bonus.

📧 Do not hesitate to contact us if you have further inquiries marketing@auctionexport.com


Video guides for new and experienced car shoppers

Dear clients,

On our YouTube channel you can watch video tutorials on how to register, use a profile, participate in a Live Bidding and much more. Simply click on a Video Help button

How to Register, Login and Retrieve your Password: https://youtu.be/XxN15lVfsnA

How to buy your car with AuctionExport: https://youtu.be/h5ujn4P0mko

Fast and Easy Way to Buy a Car - ORDER A CAR: https://youtu.be/cFVPWeoVi9M

LOTP - LIVE ON THE PHONE BIDDING: https://youtu.be/uAeuOJoh1Is

Everything you should know about Ground and Ocean transportation: https://youtu.be/2C2H_gZ3Ks4


It's time for a celebration! 🎉

It's time for a celebration!

This June AuctionExport is celebrating its 14th Anniversary 🎉 Today we have over 250,000 cars in our inventory, more than a million registered satisfied customers, and we ship to 120+ countries across the globe. We are dedicated to ensuring our customers are at the forefront of everything we do. We appreciate your constant support and are always happy to provide you with quality service.

We accept congratulations 🥰

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