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Ocean Infinity Armada

Norwegian firm Grovfjord Mek. Verksted (GMV) is set to build a fleet of robotic ships for Ocean Infinity. The ultra-low emission Armada fleet will consist of up to 13 vessels capable of wholly robotic operations. The vessels will be remotely controlled from one of 3 global control centers (Texas, England, and one more location TBD).

The robot design features highly efficient propellers, engines, and batteries, all of which will help to reduce the ships' CO2 emissions. There are 2 versions planned, a 21-meter and a 36-meter. Both will include the same technology, with different payload capabilities.

“We are ahead of the rest of the world in terms of our commitments and ambitions for delivering low environmental impact maritime services. We . . . are incredibly excited about working with the team at GMV who bring many years of experience building highly efficient vessels for operations in the harshest of conditions,” Dan Hook, Ocean Infinity managing director, said.

The first delivery is expected late this year, and the rest in the period of 2021-2023.



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*Offer valid on purchases from September 1 - September 30st, 2020. Can not be combined with any other promotions and discounts. All three vehicles should be paid in full.




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The minimum deposit is $400 or 10% from the purchase price is required. For example if you wish to place a bid or submit A “Buy Now” offer for $10,000 you will need to have $1000 deposit on your account. Your Deposit will be used towards your purchase. All deposits are refundable.

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