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250,000+ Cars online from the comfort of your home

AuctionExport provides you with premium access to all auction houses in the USA and Canada! Check almost 250,000+ Cars online, from the comfort of your home. 

How to Buy? 

1. Register > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/LogIn

2. Place a Depost of $400 or 10% of the vehicle price > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Finance

3. Buy a CAR

AUCTIONEXPORT is a government licenced business that sells and exports cars to 120+ countries from 2007. 

The AuctionExport team can help you: 

1) Find a car of your choice on the wholesale authorized auctions of the USA and Canada.

2) Arrange shipping to the port of your destination. 

3) Handle all the paperwork and clearance at the exit port


Let us know if you have any questions:

help@auctionexport.com | +1-416-900-33-03



Buy Now VS BID

BUY NOW option means that the car has a fixed price and it can be purchased at the indicated amount. If you want to close the deal without bidding at an auction, simply click on BUYNOW and the car will be reserved for you. ❗ Shipping cost is not included in that amount.

Using the BID option, you can offer your price for the vehicle and try to win at a lower rate.

Please note that your bid amount must be higher than the current bid. Current bid is the amount placed by one of our customers.

Your bid is the amount you can offer for the vehicle you are interested in.

Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Hyundai completes LNG-powered vessel trials

Tenere, the first of six LNG-powered neo-Panamax containerships which will be chartered by CMA CGM, has completed gas trials in South Korea.

The vessels are being built for Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) and feature a MAN B&W 11G90 ME-GI engine. MAN Energy Solutions has stated that these engines have “negligible” methane-slip and can operate on gas or diesel fuel. 

“These vessels will be IMO 2030 compliant years ahead of schedule and will be the cleanest vessels of their category today,” EPS chief Cyril Ducau said.


AuctionExport provides a full range of services of internal deliveries of cars inside the US and Canada and further export overseas.

AuctionExport will be glad to help you to search for a car, buy it from auctions or dealers in North America, arrange the shipping to your destination and handle all the paperwork. 

Our aim is to offer you a safe and secure process of the purchase. 


AuctionExport provides a full range of services of internal deliveries of cars inside the US and Canada and further export overseas. We deliver cars from main ports in the USA and Canada: New Jersey, Georgia, Texas, California, Toronto and others.


Consolidation helps to save up to 60% on ocean delivery if compared with shipping of one car. 

Competitive shipping rates

30 days of free storage in New Jersey and Georgia warehouses.

Collecting cars from anywhere in the United States, including dealerships and auctions locations.

Insurance of a car during the ground delivery and ocean insurance by your request. 


Feel free to request a quote for a particular car NOW - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Shipping or email Vin number and destination port to  shipping@auctionexport.com



Seulement chez AuctionExport, Vous pouvez acheter n'importe quelle voiture du 10 août au 30 août 2020 et économiser $250!
Nous offrons une remise de $100 sur la livraison et $150 de remise sur les frais!

Dépêchez-vous et CHERCHEZ MAINTENANT pour la meilleure offre!

Le reste sera organisé par l'équipe Auction Export qui a des spécialistes expérimentés: achats, transport et gestion de la documentation.

Profitez de notre promotion à durée limitée et achetez la voiture de vos rêves.

AuctionExport est prêt à vous aider!

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