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Most auction cars, listed on the website, are scheduled for a specific time and date of the LIVE SALE. That particular event takes place regardless of AuctionExport and we can help you join sales for cars you choose, so you can try and win one. Please pay your attention to the TIME LEFT before the auction; when it runs out a car will be sold to the highest bidder.

Before the live sale, you can place your bids on cars through our website, which is the PRE-bidding round; not the actual sale yet.

When the time runs out, the option of placing bids at our site becomes unavailable and you can see 'pre-bidding closed' and 'listing expired' notifications.

If you see an auction car you like, be sure to put the deposit for bidding before the live sale starts so you don't miss the deal.

Login link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/LogIn

Direct link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit


Vehicle history reports

An important part of any used car purchase procedure is getting a vehicle history report. Such reports provide information about a vehicle’s ownership, title, mileage, accident history and more.

On AuctionExport website, you can order vehicle history reports in packages for 15$, 30$ and 50$.  To get started, you need to know the car’s VIN code and have some positive account balance. 

To order the reports, simply login and go to the “Services” tab in your profile page - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Autocheck 



ACL Extends Port of Liverpool Deal

ACL Extends Port of Liverpool Deal
U.S.-based Atlantic Container Line (ACL) has signed a 15-year contract extension with Peel Ports at the Port of Liverpool.
Part of the Grimaldi group, ACL is the largest ocean carrier operating at Liverpool’s Royal Seaforth Container Terminal (RSCT) and the port’s longest serving container carrier. The deal will run through 2035.

Peel Ports Group is investing in RSCT to accommodate ACL’s new fleet of G4 vessels, which are registered in the UK and need more access space. ACL is an important link in the UK export and import supply chain.

“The Grimaldi Group applauds the major improvements to Royal Seaforth Terminal and recognises it as a renewed commitment of our strong relationship with the Port of Liverpool, Mersey Maritime, and the customers and suppliers who have been supportive of ACL’s operation for so many years.” Gianluca Grimaldi, President of the Grimaldi Group, stated.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear AuctionExport Dealers, 

Our office will be closed on November 28th for Thanksgiving day. Regular working hours will resume on November 29th, 2019.

Happy Thanksgiving


What is Gift Certificate promo code ?

Gift Certificate promo code is a coupon with code that you can get from your friends or relatives who have already purchased a car with AuctionExport.

This field is optional in the registration form, so you can skip it and complete registration without the code -  https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register

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