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Friday Discount!

Friday is a perfect day to make a good purchase on the website. Every Buy Now offer has a 50$ off of the Buyer Fee.

View the list of offers here - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to get back to us. 


Paperwork Handling

Paperwork Handling 

AuctionExport can ship any of your cars to the destination port of your choice almost  anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will handle the whole documentation work that is required for the vehicle to be exported. Only $70 documentation fee is applied for the postage service. All original ownership and shipping documents will be mailed to the USA / Canada Customs, and then will be mailed to you by courier express post. The Original Bill of lading and the Car Title are sent 5-7 days prior of vehicle or container arrival.

Buy &Ship cars with us! 



Start the new 2020 year with a new car!

Start the new 2020 year with a new car!

Shipping of a vehicle will take around two months too, so if you buy it now, you will receive the car to go pick up your friends for a Christmas party just on time!

Every day we're offering to our clients over 250 000 vehicles posted for sale, we can provide you with auction buying, consulting, paperwork handling and worldwide transportation.

Feel free to view some cars here - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory


Wind Assist Project Launches

Wind Assist Project Launches

The Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) project, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has been officially approved and launched.
The EUR 3.4 million project brings together universities, wind-assist technology providers and ship owners to research and improve wind propulsion solutions. The program will harvest the North Sea's abundant wind potential, thereby further greening the North Sea Region.
“Wind propulsion solutions are a very important technology segment for the decarbonisation of shipping. The propulsive energy provided is substantial and this is delivered directly to the ship with no need for new infrastructure,” Gavin Allwright, Secretary General of the International Windship Association, stated.

Scandlines Gedser-Rostock, Boeckmans Ship Management and Van Dam Shipping are partnering on the project, with additional partners expected to join soon.


What is a repo car ?

REPO stands for the word “repossessed” and means a category of vehicles whose original buyers cancelled their purchases or failed to pay for them. Now those cars are being on re-sale and available for a cheaper price and minimum fees.

The process of buying a repo car is the same as for a Buy Now car.

Place a Deposit >> Click “Buy Now” >> Pay the rest of the balance >>Receive in your country in 45-60 days approximately.

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