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AuctionExport racing towards a more innovative future!

Dear client, now you can track your cargo live through our new profile feature. You can View the Location of your ship through your profile under the vehicle status tab. You will receive a notification if this option becomes available for your vehicle, after it has been delivered to the exit port.

Login and check your profile now!



Refer a friend and get rewarded!
As a registered AuctionExport member, REFER A FRIEND and earn a referral bonus of $50 cash for each approved referral¹. The bonus will be applied only after your friend buys a vehicle through us and pays for it in full.










Offer subject to change at any time.


Calculate your shipping costs within few seconds!

Dear clients, you can get an approximate shipping cost of the vehicle to your destination by using the Shipping Calculator.

You can also calculate your expected shipping cost within few seconds on every vehicle's page of AuctionExport website!

For an exact quote please contact our Shipping Department at shipping@auctionexport.com , +1 416.900.3303 ext: 3.



Customers Reviews from All over the World!

Dear clients, today is Friday and we just want to kindly thank you all for your business, constant support and feedback. Every day we receive Thank you emails from all over the world. We feel that everyone who bought a vehicle with us is satisfied. This is the best reward for us. Thank you!
You can click on a picture and read our customers reviews and testimonials!



AuctionExport is a business you can Trust!

Dear clients, we are proud to provide you with safe and legal business!

You can check AuctionExport list of legal credentials to familiarize yourself with our company - Click Here

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