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Electric Cars on www.AuctionExport.com!

 Nowadays Automakers spend so much effort to create efficient and high quality Electric cars. Green cars are the key to a clean environment right now, so feel free to browse our Electric inventory under the search tab.



Refer a friend and get rewarded!

Dear clients,

Refer a Friend program is still on!

Invite your friends to join AuctionExport community and earn a referral bonus of $50 for each approved referral.



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As an AuctionExport member you can specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory. 



Canadian International AutoShow 2015

AuctionExport visited Canadian International AutoShow 2015! We had a look at the latest vehicles, provides world’s leading and most technologically advanced sports cars and supercars. Here are AutoShow highlights.
Kindly check our Facebook page for more images - https://www.facebook.com/auctionexport



Customers Reviews and Testimonials!

Dear clients,

If you need more information about AuctionExport, feel free to read testimonials from clients who already purchased a car.

You can also watch video reviews from AuctionExport members - AuctionExport YouTube channel


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