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Auction Export offers FINANCING to all the customers from Benin.

Now Auction Export offers FINANCING to all the customers from Benin. You do not have to pay for your car at the time of the purchase. You pay down payment of 33% and we will start shipping your vehicle. The rest is paid on its arrival or 60 days expiration term, whichever comes first. Contact sales@auctionexprot.com for more details. 


AuctionExport offre financement à tous clients du Bénin.

  Maintenant Auction Export offre un financement à tous les clients du Bénin. Vous ne devez pas payer pour votre voiture au moment    de l'achat. Vous payez un acompte de 33% et nous commencerons l'expédition de votre véhicule. Le reste est payé après son arrivée  ou dans 60 jours, selon la première de ces deux éventualités.


Nous sommes ici pour vous offrir une meilleure solution d'affaires dans l'achat de vos véhicules des Etats-Unis et du Canada.
Véhicules sur notre site sont achetés au prix de gros dessous de la valeur moyenne du marché et nous allons vous aider à expédier vos voitures du point de vente à votre destination.
Si vous avez des questions n’hésitez pas à me contacter

Jane Carrat
Représentante du Service d'Assistance Clientèle d'Auction Export

Skype: jane.auctionexport
Email: jane@auctionexport.com
Tél.: +14169003303 ext 565





If you are looking for a specific car and do not have time to browse the website every day, try NOTIFY ME notifications.

The NOTIFY ME service will send you email alerts to inform you about freshly added car deals, that match your requirements. It’s available free of charge for all registered Auction Export members!

To activate this service please Login to your AuctionExport PROFILE> Select SERVICES TAB > NOTIFY ME > ADD NEW VEHICLE



Live Auction - Real Time Bidding

If you have enough balance on your AuctionExport account, you can join Live Sale this Saturday and Bid in real time up to your Bidding limit. Check Live Auction Schedule for details - www.auctionexport.com/en/Auctions


Condor service stops operation

Condor service stops operation

So-called Condor service, connecting Europe and Asia according to previous agreement of 2 huge shipping companies won't work full time any more. Since September 15th Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Company will arrange the service upon demand and will develop it as the seasonal service. Let us remind, previously Condor service had 9.5 thousand TEU each week. All changes will be discussed by the end of August and implemented by the next year.

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