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Ocean Shipping

To go by RoRo car must be Run&Drive and mustn't have any extensive damages. 

Container shipping means that your car will be loaded inside a 20 feet or 40 feet container, and the container will be sealed. If you're shipping a single vehicle then it will be consolidated into a container with other vehicles and loaded as soon as all the vehicles arrive at the warehouse.

Here are few tips you should know about our shipping:

- Average shipping time is 45-60 days ONLY!

- You can use the Shipping Calculator to calculate estimated shipping costs to any country.

- Do your own 40'' container with us and save more money.

- All original bills of ladings are sent 5-7 days prior to vehicle or container arrival.

For the precise quote to the destination port please contact our Shipping Department at shipping@auctionexport.com.


AuctionExport wishes you Happy Holidays!

Dear clients,

We truly appreciate having you with us. AuctionExport wishes you a Merry Christmas! 

Our offices will be closed on Monday December 26th, 2022 due to Christmas Holidays.

If your matter is urgent and you require immediate assistance please help@auctionexport.com and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


Video guides for new and experienced car shoppers

Dear clients,

On our YouTube channel you can watch video tutorials on how to register, use a profile, participate in a Live Bidding and much more. Simply click on a Video Help button

How to Register, Login and Retrieve your Password: https://youtu.be/XxN15lVfsnA

How to buy your car with AuctionExport: https://youtu.be/h5ujn4P0mko

Fast and Easy Way to Buy a Car - ORDER A CAR: https://youtu.be/cFVPWeoVi9M

LOTP - LIVE ON THE PHONE BIDDING: https://youtu.be/uAeuOJoh1Is

Everything you should know about Ground and Ocean transportation: https://youtu.be/2C2H_gZ3Ks4


Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results

If the car doesn’t have Buy Now Price, you can check AUCTION SALE RESULTS section that will give you the idea of the possible winning bid.

A similar option is available on each car’s profile, it’s called SIMILAR VEHICLE PRICE STATISTICS RESULTS. You can find it under the BID/BUY NOW button.

Contact us for assistance: help@auctionexport.com 1-416-900-33-03


Take advantage of our Shipping Calculator

Get an approximate shipping cost of the vehicle to your destination by using the Shipping Calculator.
You can also calculate your expected shipping cost within a few seconds on every vehicle's page.
For an exact quote please contact our Shipping Department at shipping@auctionexport.com


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