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End of the Year Celebration at AuctionExport's Ghana office!


We are pleased to invite you to join AuctionExport's End of the Year Celebration.

This event takes place on Saturday, December the 13th at 12pm, at #30 Blohum Rd Dzorwulu, Accra (500 meters from Perez Chapel, across Sid’s Apartments).

Enjoy warm atmosphere, pastries, music and participate in a lottery where you will have a chance to win an iPad.  In addition, every guest will receive a 100$ gift certificate towards the next purchase. 

In order to register please click here - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Celebration 

For inquiries please contact us at:  050-5319337, 233507711421, 030-2747444.

AuctionExport Ghana Office Team



Container consolidation to Cotonou Benin for 1150$!

Dear Valued members,

We are happy to announce that we now offer container consolidation to Cotonou Benin for 1150$ ocean price per car. This applies to sedans and mid size SUVs. Also please note this service is available out of our NJ warehouse. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at shipping@auctionexport.com


Customers Reviews and Testimonials!

Dear clients,

Feel free to check AuctionExport clients reviews and testimonials on About Us website page.


Did you know that you can get 50 Dollars Cash for referring a friend to AuctionExport?

Did you know that you can get 50 Dollars Cash for referring a friend to AuctionExport? As a

registered AuctionExport member you can REFER A FRIEND who will buy a vehicle through us, and

receive $50 CASH sent directly to you through Money Gram or Western Union.



Holiday Shipping Discounts!

Dear clients,

As always AuctionExport is pleased to bring the best available shipping prices to further assist  your import needs. Please find our updated consolidation rates to some destinations for sedans or mid size suvs out of our NJ warehouse.

Germany: 670$
Netherlands Rotterdam: 670$
Dominican Republic: 800$
Odessa Ukraine: 1050$
Lithuania Klaipeda: 1100$
Finland, Kotka 1050$
UAE 850$

If you have any questions kindly contact shipping department at shipping@auctionexport.com / +1 416.900.3303 ext: 3

Thank you and have an amazing day!

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