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  • Notificaciones en línea del estado del proceso de envío
  • Seguro de transporte terrestre completo (seguro de transporte marítimo adicional)
  • Legalización de despacho aduanero en Canadá y EE.UU
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Live Vessel tracking

Dear clients,

You can track your cargo live through our new profile feature and View the Location of your ship through your profile under the vehicle status tab. You will receive a notification if this option becomes available for your vehicle, after it has been delivered to the exit port.

For more information please contact shipping department: shipping@auctionexport.com, +1 416.900.3303 ext: 3



Dear  Valued members,
Please be advised that currently we are experiencing high delays for ocean shipping out of the port of Long Beach, California due to the Union Labor Strike.
Terminals are working slower than expected. Please note, cargo may be rerouted out of the East coast to avoid delays.
Thank you


Financing to Ghana and Nigeria!

Dear clients,
If you are not able to pay for a car in full at the moment of purchase, feel free to take advantage of AuctionExport financing service!
You can finance your car for 2% per month from the date of the purchase for a 2 months time frame.
You can get the financing pricing quote by clicking on the "Financing Calculator".
Thank you and feel free to contact our Sales Department if you have any questions at sales@auctionexport.com l +1 416.900.3303 ext: 2!


Big Savings from January 15 - February 15, 2015!!!

Dear clients,

You can buy any REPO Car on www.AuctionExport.com and Save on AuctionExport Fees.

From the January 15 - February 15, 2015  All REPO CARS - NO AuctionExport FEE!!!!

Hurry up and Get your Car with a Great discount!!!!  






Bid Yourself for Your Car from Anywhere!

Dear clients, 

Join Live Auction and Bid for your car from Anywhere! We have over 50 Auto Auctions in a day and you can bid yourself or request Live on the phone bidding with one of our sales representatives from Monday to Saturday.

Contact our sales department for more information at - +1 416.900.3303 ext: 2 sales@auctionexport.com

More details - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Auctions

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