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  • Legalización de despacho aduanero en Canadá y EE.UU
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Why is it safe to buy with AuctionExport?

Making a purchase of a vehicle with AuctionExport is safe. We have put a lot of effort to assure our customers that AuctionExport is a reliable Canadian company with a recognized name in over 120 countries, we are proud to be trusted and can share our achievements with you! Please check the “About us” page and our credentials: https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/AboutUs

You can also check reviews and video testimonials from our clients who have already bought several cars with us: https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/ReviewsAndTestimonials

📞Contact us for assistance: help@auctionexport.com 1-416-900-33-03


Terms You Should Know

Dear Clients,

These are the categories now used on our website to mark types of car damage:

1. Run&Drive (green circle): condition code that means the vehicle is in running condition, can be started and driven.

2. Non-Drivable (red circle): condition code that means the vehicle is considered inoperable and is in non running condition.

3. Non-Defined (grey circle): condition code that is assigned to vehicles which condition has not been specified by the selling party. Condition details should be checked individually upon buyer's request.

4. Engine starts (blue circle): condition code that means that the vehicle starts and run at idle, and there's no guarantee that the vehicle's fully drivable.

Let us know if you have any questions:

help@auctionexport.com 📧 | 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Paperwork Handling!

AuctionExport will ship any of your cars to the destination port of your choice almost  anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will handle the whole documentation work that is required for the vehicle to be exported. 

Only $70 documentation fee is applied for the postage service. All original ownership and shipping documents will be mailed to the USA / Canada Customs, and then will be mailed to you by courier express post. 

The Original Bill of lading and the Car Title are sent 5-7 days prior to the vehicle's or container’s arrival. 

Buy & Ship cars with us! 



Authorized Dealers

You can start buying on AuctionExport.com at wholesale prices and then re-sell the purchased cars locally thus gaining some profit.

After your 3rd purchase you will be getting more discounts on our services - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership

Once you have 15 purchases in your account balance, you will be able to apply for Authorized Dealer.

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