Used 2009 Toyota Rav 4 Cars for Sale Germany | Export 2009 Toyota Rav 4 Car from USA to Germany

Now you can get the accurate valuation of your vehicle with You can know the private party value, the trade value and the dealer retail value for your car here. With great reviews overall, RAV4 has proved itself to be a comfortable to drive and a spacious car. It is a top pick for the crossover SUVs, more so if you are looking for a usable and a V6 kid-sized 3td row seat. The car has got a more powerful 4-cylinder engine, bumpers, a restyled grille and the adoption of active headrests on the front seats. These are the significant changes in the 2009 Toyota Rav 4.

A metal body is surely nothing without a heart. Hence, the 2009 Toyota RAV 4 is fitted with the optional V6 with 269 horsepower, a modest appetite for fuel and strong acceleration. Not only this, this V6 gets the same fuel economy like some 4-cylinder equipped competitor. The car's 4-cylinder engine has a power boost for 2009 to 179 horsepower which makes it the leader among the four rivals. There is a slight increase in the fuel economy along with the engine. The bumper design and the new grille have further modernized the new RAV 4. There is space enough for five adults in the car along with 73 cubic feet of cargo space. There is a right balance between the ease of maneuverability and the roomy functionality.

You can check out this fantastic car along with its top competitors at if you are looking for used cars for sale in the USA. Also, if you are interested in selling off your car, you can export used cars from the USA to Germany too. It can prove to be a great deal for you if you are living in Germany.

2010 Used Toyota Rav 4 for Sale, 2011 Used Toyota Rav 4 for Sale in Germany, Export 2012 Used Toyota Rav 4 from USA to Germany, 2013 Used Toyota Rav 4 in Online Auction, Price of Used 2014 Toyota Rav 4 cars in USA

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